Robert Leahy, CPT, BRM
Certified Personal Trainer: General Population looking to get strong and move well.
Rob is a certified personal trainer who has integrated fitness into everyday life. Growing up, he faced some physical orthopedic challenges caused by a birth injury. Adding fitness training safely and effectively allowed Rob to have a successful and rewarding career with the Federal Government. Looking for a new challenge, Rob turned to fitness full-time and started EMNMFIT to share what he has learned over the last 20 years. Rob’s training approach uses various fitness techniques to garner the results desired by his clients. If you ever want to learn how to properly Squat, Deadlift, Hip Thrust, and Bench Press, Rob is certified in the Barbell Rehab Method. Fitness should be an enjoyable part of your day. It should make you feel energized and ready to tackle life’s challenges.